How to Read Like a Writer

When I first went back to school to study creative writing, one of the most important things the teacher emphasized was reading. At the time, I wasn’t reading or writing as much as I’d wanted, so I figured I’d give one a try to see if it helped the other.

The teacher was right: Reading is one of the best ways you, as a writer, can improve your craft, but how you read is as important as what you read.

Instead of writing a blog post this month, I opted to try a different medium and make it into a movie. I hope you enjoy it.

3 thoughts on “How to Read Like a Writer

  1. Suzanne says:

    Hey Lisa…read your post and enjoyed the presentation with the characters. Found it informative and entertaining…kept my interest and my attention. Thanks for the diversity…and showing all the different ways it can be done! Sent with much Love and Light (and Laughter)Suzanne

    Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2014 21:31:25 +0000 To:

  2. Owen Stairs says:

    I saw someone share an anecdote about Pierre Burton once. I can’t remember the context, but he met a writer whose work he was singularly unimpressed by. After they were introduced his first words to her were (roughly), “What a pleasure to meet you. I always wanted to meet an author who had written more than they’d read.”


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